Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Professional career

Has already been made in any insurance policy, a representative of the insurance company will fill in for you a statement on the changes and give you a duplicate copy of the policy. Often, simply appends the new driver in the free report, or on the other side of the old policy and ensure the change stamped by an insurance company manager and painting. Actually this is wrong because the requirements of the law to the design of the insurance documents, do not allow for corrections. But гаишники for such policies as amended and the seal is not fine. And in the event of an accident is usually not a problem, because at the stage of the authentication policy, which should be disbursed, the main thing that the driver at the accident, was brought in to manage the number of permitted vehicle in the database of insurance company. For the same reason, the best fit in with the insurance office of insurance company and not the agent or intermediary in the car show - you just ENTERED into a computer and to formalize all of the documents.

If you want to write insurance in the driver, who had just received the law, or the young (under 22 years old) driver, it is likely that you will have to pay for the policy to increase the degree of risk. The amount of surcharge shall be considered in proportion to the number of days remaining until the end of the insurance, as well as to increase the following scale factor: If you do not just experience - it is necessary to pay 15% Only age - 20% There is no age or seniority - 30%. In addition, you can still pay to get the discount, which you have given for accident-free driving - because the new driver does not have it right, and the cost of insurance policy is determined by the venture to the driver. If you add his own hand the new driver to your insurance policy, in the event of an accident through the fault of the driver's insurance company does not pay. In addition, any гаишник can fine you or even to delay for a few days for forging documents

Certify agents

Indeed, except for the necessary professional knowledge (ability to understand the related services and insurance) agent, as the representatives of the business, must necessarily be sociable personality and stress. But that's not all. Success in this case largely depends on the ability to "calculate" the potential client. Experienced agents know: to offer our services to all contractors should not be. Instead of the transaction and earn profits, you can get a good share of negative emotions. "The insurance agent - this is a kind of psychologist. Its main task - to determine the exact needs of the customer and provide the best ways to solve the problem", - said director of sales support department IC ROM Ukraine Oksana Shamarina

Staff insurance company, which insures the office - even some office managers are not agents, but they function very similar to insurance agents, therefore, with great stretch, solely because of their «sells» functional I incorporated them into the group of agents. Agents usually act on behalf of an insurance company under a contract of civil law, are rarely on the basis of an employment contract. For their work they receive a percentage of the deal - commission (HF), very rarely the agent has a fixed salary. In doing so, the insurance company usually pays all the tax deductions for agents (13% of HF) in the tax service.

Financial planning

The opportunity to earn as much as you want to combine the activities of an agent with the substantive work, This work is easy to find - because it took all free training of new professions
work with interesting people, new acquaintances, and many others. But there are also disadvantages:

* The agent is responsible for the correct filling of the insurance documentation (usually specified in the contract GPH) - so it must be careful!

* We have to work with the cash - but it is always a risk of the customer to obtain a forged bill - from the conventional agents, no cars to determine the authenticity of banknotes collection - also no.

* Clients will have to seek the most - while obzavedeshsya normal client base, it may take a long time, and this time you will receive little.

I always thought that insurance agents must be more. In the West, because everyone has a personal insurance agent. If this is our future, I advise to try - you have nothing to lose, on the contrary - get a lot of new knowledge. Insurance - a very complex and multi-faceted thing. It is better to start to learn it from the standpoint of the agent - because then you open it the most interesting facets. You will learn a step ahead of customer's ideas and build a conversation so that he himself came to the conclusion that you have to think of it, namely, that the insurance you need now. You experience those exciting moments when the contract has been concluded, and concluded its YOU! And, of course, is magic in the fingers whisper rublesInsurance companies took an active agent to expand the network. Potential agents of the insurers offered free tuition and offer a decent income without reference to the office and the standard working day. "Money" found it worthwhile to spend time in schools, insurance agents, and whether there is an opportunity to earn a decent selling insurance products.

Certification and advancement.

"Want to become a staff member of a large company? Ensure your financial independence? Make rapid career in a stable and profitable business?" - Drum up school insurance agents. Immediately life-read: "The work of the insurance agent's feasible to any adult, regardless of the specifics of his education and life experience."It is this phrase is embarrassing the majority of applicants. Can I get a lot of money for the work that is able to perform virtually very?"Everyone, let no one," - say, those who have already passed this way."Training, in fact, can any man. And even nominally, it can become an agent. But to make in this area is not given to everyone - warns economist Galyna Gotsay that student years in the example on the role of the insurance agent. - This is a psychologically very difficult work. After all, you need to convince people that it needs a policy. And with the attitude of our people for the insurance - it is not easy. "
Indeed, except for the necessary professional knowledge (ability to understand the related services and insurance) agent, as the representatives of the business, must necessarily be sociable personality and stress.But that's not all. Success in this case largely depends on the ability to "calculate" the potential client. Experienced agents know: to offer our services to all contractors should not be. Instead of the transaction and earn profits, you can get a good share of negative emotions. "The insurance agent - this is a kind of psychologist. Its main task - to determine the exact needs of the customer and provide the best ways to solve the problem", - said director of sales support department IC ROM Ukraine Oksana Shamarina

Certification and advancement.

Certification and advancement. A number of organizations offer professional designation programs that certify agents’ expertise in specialties such as life, health, and property and casualty insurance, as well as financial consulting. For example, The National Alliance for Education and Research offers a wide variety of courses in health, life and property, and casualty insurance for independent insurance agents. Although voluntary, such programs assure clients and employers that an agent has a thorough understanding of the relevant specialty. Agents are usually required to complete a specified number of hours of continuing education to retain their designation.

In the area of financial planning, many agents find it worthwhile to demonstrate competency by earning the certified financial planner or chartered financial consultant designation. The Certified Financial Planner credential, issued by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, requires relevant experience, completion of education requirements, passing a comprehensive examination, and adherence to an enforceable code of ethics. The exam tests the candidate’s knowledge of the financial planning process, insurance and risk management, employee benefits planning, taxes and retirement planning, and investment and estate planning. The Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and the Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designations, issued by the American College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, typically require professional experience and the completion of an eight-course program of study. Many property and casualty insurance agents obtain the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation, offered by the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter. The majority of professional designations in insurance have continuing education requirements.

The Chartered Financial

The Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC) and the Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU) designations, issued by the American College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, typically require professional experience and the completion of an eight-course program of study. Many property and casualty insurance agents obtain the Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU) designation, offered by the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter. The majority of professional designations in insurance have continuing education requirements.

An insurance sales agent who shows ability and leadership may become a sales manager in a local office. A few advance to agency managerial or executive positions. However, many who have built up a good clientele prefer to remain in sales work. Some—particularly in the property and casualty field—establish their own independent agencies or brokerage firms.Insurance companies took an active agent to expand the network. Potential agents of the insurers offered free tuition and offer a decent income without reference to the office and the standard working day. "Money" found it worthwhile to spend time in schools, insurance agents, and whether there is an opportunity to earn a decent selling insurance products.

Selling insurance products

"Want to become a staff member of a large company? Ensure your financial independence? Make rapid career in a stable and profitable business?" - Drum up school insurance agents. Immediately life-read: "The work of the insurance agent's feasible to any adult, regardless of the specifics of his education and life experience." It is this phrase is embarrassing the majority of applicants. Can I get a lot of money for the work that is able to perform virtually every? "Everyone, let no one," - say, those who have already passed this way. "Training, in fact, can any man. And even nominally, it can become an agent. But to make in this area is not given to everyone - warns economist Galyna Gotsay that student years in the example on the role of the insurance agent. - This is a psychologically very difficult work. After all, you need to convince people that it needs a policy. And with the attitude of our people for the insurance - it is not easy. "
Indeed, except for the necessary professional knowledge (ability to understand the related services and insurance) agent, as the representatives of the business, must necessarily be sociable personality and stress. But that's not all. Success in this case largely depends on the ability to "calculate" the potential client. Experienced agents know: to offer our services to all contractors should not be. Instead of the transaction and earn profits, you can get a good share of negative emotions. "The insurance agent - this is a kind of psychologist. Its main task - to determine the exact needs of the customer and provide the best ways to solve the problem", - said director of sales support department IC ROM Ukraine Oksana Shamarina.