Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let me teach

Because of the shortages, many large insurance companies have already opened their schools to train insurance agents. What's good, training is free of charge. In this company, course, does not impose any obligations on the participants. That is training, it is useful for careers in related fields, can be absolutely free of charge. "To speak of the obligations of insurance agents, after learning it is difficult, because the market they catastrophically lacking. The task of the school - to convince them to stay in the company and help to realize their abilities" - confirms the Director of Corporate Training Center SC "Universal" Galina Kirilenko. Education in the school takes no more than a week. On average - three to five days for 4 - 5 hours daily. Learn, first of all, understand the insurance, "to understand the product." An item on his agenda is to examine the regulatory framework for insurance activities, as well as the basis of documents. And learn to properly execute contracts, to work competently with clients and so on. Benchmark one-week course, in general, sufficient to begin work if you want. Nachityvayut Theory good, but the technology sales, I, for example, studied already in the process ", - says Galina Gotsay experience. Nominally, there is selection in schools - the applicant must pass the tests and interview. Thus, the firm cuts off those who are not suitable for this work. However, to get to the group of "unfit" to be difficult. With regard to the chronic shortage of agents of insurers willing to take the adequate training of any person.

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